Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Self-awareness, confidence, persistence, work ethic, and belief in one's ability is definitely connected to becoming a highly effective teacher. Self-awareness makes you go about your day in a very conscientious way. This is good because teachers are always held to a higher standard, and are always being watch from one angle or another. Being aware of what you do and say really does affect how you influence your students and peers. Confidence must be shown at all times when in the classroom. Many students, in the older classrooms, love to find any weakness a teacher may show to disrupt the class for their enjoyment. If a teacher stays strong and is in charge of his or her class daily the confidence will not be questioned or tested. Persistence is key to teaching. What would a teacher be without it? Without persistence a teacher would just give up helping a struggling student, or quit trying new and effective things in the classroom. What also is a part of being persistent is one's work ethic. One must have a schedule and keep pushing themselves to new and better things for the class. If you do not hold yourself to a higher standard how can you ask others to do the same? All of these things previously stated are important but none of these things will work out if you do not believe in your ability to teach.

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